
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A Bittersweet Morning

Today started like most other mornings. Bren came into my room around 5:45 and asked for cartoons. I got ready while she entertained herself and patiently waited for "Sissy" to get up. Breakfast was next on the to-do list: Chocolate chip waffles for Lexi and Regular for Bren.

The day turned unusual when we had to get dressed. Lexi, for some reason, wanted to wear a dress. And, usually, whenever Lexi wears a dress, Bren must follow. The only thing was that Bren doesn't have any dresses that aren't completely "summery". I was just about to tell her that I didn't have a dress for her to wear, when I saw "The Tote."

To all you mothers out there, you know how important and exciting "The Tote" can be. When discussing this with another teacher, she told me she thinks of "The Tote" as shopping. It's a great chance to reminisce about your older daughter's old clothes while finding new outfits for your younger daughter. I begin digging through the tote looking for a dress with leggings that Bren could sport today.

The dress she chose was one that brought back many memories. When Brenna was born, one of my aunts got them matching dresses. I loved putting them in those dresses! Bren today was wearing the one that Lexi was fitting into when Bren was born. All these thoughts came flooding into my head: my baby is wearing the big sister clothing!

I had this bittersweet feeling hit me. My baby is no longer a baby? Do I miss little babies and all that comes with them? Now that we are out of the baby stage, do we really want to dive back in?

If you would have asked them this morning, I may have actually considered it. I may have "slipped" and said I wanted another baby.

But reality set it....there is no way I want to go back to diapers, formula, and having someone be 100% dependent on me. I love my kids and want to enjoy every minute with them as they continue to grow up right before my eyes!

Here are the pictures of Bren wearing Lexi's dress (I'll look for pictures of them together wearing the matching dresses to compare!)

Pretty Girl!

Notice her pretty Jewelry? Thanks Jessica Bellinghausen!
My two big girls!
Bren is always willing to share the love! (Lexi, not so much!)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

First Snow of the Year!

It was predicted that we would receive maybe an inch or two in Adel last night....and they were right! We woke up to a winter wonderland. Both girls were jumping up and down at the sight of the fluffy new snow. For me, the ONLY benefit to snow is if there is enough to get a snow day. In Iowa, 2-3 inches doesn't quite cut we were on our way to school.

As I watched their faces light up as they talked about the snow, I remembered what that first snow was like as a child. You want nothing more than to jump in a fort....throw a snowball.

Forecasters had also predicted that most of it would be gone before the afternoon. I felt awful telling Lexi that the chances of her getting to play in that first snow were slim. So we rushed through breakfast just to get about 10 minutes of play time in that first snow. I apologize now to Ms. Wolf and the other Adel Elementary teachers for sending Lexi soaking wet to school. But by looking at the smile on her face, it was all worth it!

Cutest Picture in a long time! Look at the love!

1st snow angels of the year!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My Daughter.... A Cheerleader?

For anyone who knew me in high school, my life revolved around sports. Competition and the desire to win has been burned into my veins; it's apparent when I play Rec Volleyball.

After the birth of Lexi, I remember thinking that I couldn't wait for her to play sports and for me to be the proud mama in the crowd. She's fast= track. She can jump= volleyball. Good hand/eye coordination= soccer.

I wasn't prepared for the day when Lexi brought home a flyer from school for a cheerleading camp and said she wanted to go. What? My daughter, a cheerleader? How did that happen?

After watching her practice her little cheers and her dance, I saw the same passion I had for sports show up on her face while cheering. I realized it doesn't matter what she does during her school years. I just want her to be involved and be happy. As long as she is that, I will be the proud mama in the crowd.

And there's always Cheerleading competitions, right? :-)

Here are a few pictures of her performing during halftime at a Tigers Football game:

Red. Black. Red. Black. Wh-wh-wh-wh-white!

She caught me! :-)n

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Welcome back to Blogging, Seidl!

I'm back. I promise. When I started this blog, I was excited to post something regularly. But with every 'new' thing, the newness faded and I saw it as something I "should" do that I didn't have the time for.
Last week, we finished putting in the last of our windows for the "Seidl House Renovation". I know, we started that project in May and here we are at the end of September, but they are done (more to come on that topic.) But as I was taking pictures to document the day, Chris says, "Now you have pictures to post to that blog of yours that you never update." Which brings me back into the blogging scene.
I feel that I have very good excuses for my blogging absence. School started. And with school starting, I have picked up two new classes and a new extra-curricular activity, color guard. Add that to speech, volleyball, and all of my other obligations, my life has been pretty crazy.
But, "excuses, excuses" are over. I am ready to try and devote myself to this blog and posting at least once a week. Too many good things are happening in my life and I feel the need to let everyone know. For example:
Yesterday, we were sitting down for lunch. On the menu: Taco Salads. Since Bren is still a little messy while eating, I decided it was the best idea to take her shirt off so I wouldn't have ground taco meat running down the front of it (other moms: I know you do this too, right?) I was cleaning much of the morning and I cannot clean without the radio on. I thought it was a good idea to leave the radio on instead of turning the TV on. Brenna was working on her taco salad when a song with a great beat came on and she couldn't control herself. She began to sway back and forth, bobbing her head, and announced to the table, "Mom, I dance so much better without my shirt on!"
As smiles spread across our faces, she continues to rock on. Without missing a beat, she adds, "This is amazing. I'm taking my pants off, too!"
Moral of this story: #1: I need to let others into the interesting world of the Seidl home and #2: Begin focusing on Career choices for Bren that don't involve dancing and taking off her clothes. :)

Monday, June 6, 2011

Windows: Part 1

The Seidl household remodeling has begun. Was I nervous? Very! Jen and I had started the day out with a little shopping. On our way home, we get this picture with the caption: "What? A Hole?!?"

This is where our patio door was. After 2 days, a few funny pranks played on me and 3 trips to Menards, we got the door and 2 windows in. 1/3 of the way done! It was a relief to have the project go smoothly. I am in love with my sliding door--I've only walked into the screen slider 3 times! Here are some more pictures from the project!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

"We're Going to Disney World"--Seidl Style!

We have known for quite a while that we were taking the girls to Disney World this summer. But for all of you out there that have kids, you know you can't tell them 8 months in advance or the next 8 months will be filled with "Are we going today?". So we kept it a secret--all the planning, ordering of Minnie Ears, and the anticipation. Chris and I decided to wait until we couldn't take it anymore--which was last night. 18 days out.

I had planned out the whole thing from start to finish. I had envisioned what their reactions would be like. Had I been setting myself up for disappointment? Maybe, but I was still very excited with the outcome. Their faces and cute comments made up for all the waiting to tell them!

So sit back and enjoy the Seidl's version of "We're going to Disney World!"

Friday, May 13, 2011

"Livin on a Prayer"

Mexican, Jon Bon Jovi, and long lost sisters--obviously, last night was a night that will not be forgotten for a variety of reasons.

Quite a few months ago, a few of my friends (Amy and Christi) asked if I wanted to go to Jon Bon Jovi. Right after they ask, both of them started making fun of my youthful age- asking if I even knew who he was. Of course I knew who he was. Of course I knew a few of his songs (not as many as they did). Of course I wanted a girls night out. So Christi arranged to get us some tickets.

Fast forward to May 12th. As Amy rushed us to get ready, we headed out around 4:30 to have a delicious meal and Margarita at El Rodeo. As we were heading down to Wells Fargo Arena and in between Bon Jovi songs, Amy told us her "half sister" was also going to be at the concert.

Now, let me fill you in on Amy and her family. Amy's father was a little , how should I say it, promiscuous. He ended up with multiple children from multiple mothers (many who didn't even know they had siblings). Amy met her real father once when she was 21. When she attended a funeral this past year, she learned of these half siblings--including a sister named Sheena.

As she was telling us about Sheena attending the concert, we joked around about how Sheena was going to end up right in front of us. Amy didn't really know her or what she looked like--all she had to go off of was her Facebook picture.

Once we got to our seats, we were busy taking pictures and preparing ourselves for the big moment when Jon made his entrance. All of a sudden, a lady in front of us yelled, "Sheena". Amy jokingly responds under her breath, "Watch, it's my sister." We both laugh as we turn around and see a girl who definitely didn't look like Amy's sister. But as she sat down in front of me, we saw there was a woman sitting down directly in front of Amy who did resemble the picture.

Amy: "Is your name Sheena?"

Sheena: "um......yes."

Amy: "Sweet Jesus, It's me, Amy." (ok, she maybe didn't say these exact words, but I'm sure she was thinking it).

And the rest of it was pure magic. There were tears and moments of bonding all the way up until the concert started and after. To hear the story is amazing; to watch it happen was beyond words.

The story gets even better after you hear Sheena's Story: She was suppose to have a ticket to the concert, but at 7:15 PM, she found out her ticket wasn't at Will Call. She almost didn't come to the concert until a friend offered Sheena her ticket. That ticket directly placed her in front of Amy.

If that isn't fate, I don't know what is. Remember that Wells Fargo Arena holds 17,000 people. I'm not very good with numbers, but I know the odds of finding someone you know in that arena isn't good, let alone a long lost sister.

If Oprah was still doing shows, this would be a show she would be interested in. If I heard this story, I'm not sure that I would believe it. But I was there; I saw the unbelievable happen.

Yes, the concert was amazing. Yes, Jon Bon Jovi is great looking for an old(er) man. But the best thing was the absolute joy I saw in two women's eyes when they found something they didn't really know existed: a sister and a new friend.

Friday, April 29, 2011

20 days left....But who's counting??

Every year, I have a love/hate relationship with May.

Things I love:
I love the weather--who doesn't want to be outside when it is nice and the sun is shinning? For the last few weeks, it has been pretty raining so the sun is a nice addition to the forecast. I love being able to play with my kids after school--when volleyball and speech are going on, I never have the time. But in the spring, I have NO after school activities and love walking out the door at 3:45.

I love running outside in May. It is so hard to find the motivation to run with its cold and windy. But in the spring, I love to run and have things to look at and keep me distracted from the run.

Things I Hate:
I hate how every drop of motivation and ability to concentrate has disappeared from my students. Giving students work time to write their speeches is pretty much a waste of time. Right now as we are SUPPOSE TO BE preparing to giving persuasive debates, my students are talking about anything besides their topics. I have tried to get them back on task multiple times, but have failed. Why have I failed? Because my motivation has disappeared a little, too. On a nice Friday afternoon, there are so many other things I would rather be doing than disciplining a bunch of 17 year olds. I know I will be disappointed with their debates on Monday, but right now, I'm thinking about the cold, refreshing drinks waiting for me after school. 3:45 can't come fast enough.

So May, even though I love you for so many reasons, I cannot stand being in school during you. Please Make May 27th get here fast!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Summer Project 2011

Well everyone, we've done it. We've been debating on when to replace the windows in our house for the last 3 years and today, we bought them. We have to do it now.

Last year, we decided our windows needed to be replaced and they couldn't wait any longer. They are very worn-out looking on the outside and not the best at keeping the cold out in the winter. We called 3 different companies to come out and give us quotes for replacing the windows. We knew it wouldn't be pretty, but when they sent quotes of 18,0000-21,000 dollars our way, we decided it might have to wait a few years. :)

This spring, we somehow got the idea that we didn't need to pay someone else to put them in. We are smart, young, and totally capable of putting in new windows in our house. (We will see if we still believe this in a few weeks.)

Yesterday, we decided to head to Menards to order our new windows. Chris took some measurements of our windows (after watching a few how-to videos on you tube, of course) and we were on our way feeling ready to tackle this new project.

We begin this adventure wandering around the Windows section of Menards for an hour before we find someone to help us. During that hour, Chris and I have had multiple fights because we realize neither of us know what we are doing. Right before I am ready to head out the door, we meet Rick. Rick is a very knowledgeable member of the millwork team at Menards--he may be a lifesaver before this is all over. He explains to Chris how to properly measure the windows, builds our confidence up a bit and we head home.

Demolition time! Chris starts pulling off all of the trim around our windows and our house now looks like a construction zone. After two more trips and around 41/2 hours spent in Menards, we finally got the correct measurements for our windows and ordered them along with a new patio door.

As this project progresses, I will update you with all of the successes and the failures with this project. Even though I am not looking forward to the headaches, fights, and messes, I am looking for to the finished product: a beautiful looking house. Do we know what we are doing? No. Will we end up with huge holes in our house? Maybe. Only time will tell. :)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

What a Great Surprise: Dustin is Home

As many of you know, Chris's brother, Dustin, has been serving overseas for the last 5-6 months. He arrived home last night for his 2 week leave and we surprised the girls! Lexi wondered why we weren't going to church and why we had to change Brenna's shirt after supper, but she definitely didn't put it together. When the doorbell rang, Lexi looked out the window and only saw Grandma and Grandpa. But her face when she opened the door was priceless!

We spent about an hour talking while the girls made sure Dustin saw all of their Christmas toys and the new things they could do. What a great feeling to have the family back together--even if it's for a short time.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Fiddler on the Roof

I wrote this quite a while ago---but never put it on my blog!

Last Thursday, I took Mom to a production of "Fiddler on the Roof" in Ames. I had bought these tickets for her back in August for her birthday, so it was fun to celebrate her birthday almost 6 months after the fact. We started out the night at Hickory Park--a must stop when we are in Ames. Mom and I must have thought we were very hungry for we both ordered the Sampler dinner. Don't be fooled---there is no "sampling" in this meal. We were brought a salad, a huge order of pork and beef ribs, 2 pieces of chicken, and some fries. We both were almost in tears after laughing at our 'impulse' buys. We ate very little and took the rest home for the boys.

We then realized that we had almost 2 hours before the play started so we headed over to Borders for some quick browsing. Let me rephrase that: We don't browse in a bookstore; we grab whatever we can! I brought home some "Frog and Toad" books for the girls (my personal favorites from when I was a child) and "Walt Disney World with Kids: 2011" (cannot wait for the planning to officially start). As I walked around the store, I realized that my mom gave me my love for reading and I may not be where I am today if she hadn't.

After that, we headed for the theatre. I bought tickets for this show because I remembered Mom telling me that this was my grandpa's favorite musical. I could see that love beaming out of her right as the opening music began. Her face lit up and I knew this was going to be a great evening. We laughed and cried, but enjoyed every minute of it.

Besides having such an emotional meaning for my mom, the play also touched me on so many levels. First off, I loved every song and continued to sing "Tradition" and "If I was a Rich Man" well into the first of the week. I also felt like Tevye reminded me so much of my dad, Papa Kenny. He was harsh and crude on the outside, but a gentle soul once you got to know him. He may not have agreed with all of his daughters' decisions, but in the end, he loved each one of them regardless of if they followed "tradition."

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

"You Look Like a Mom"

Most people hate Mondays. But for me, Mondays are one of my favorite times. Not getting up or going to school--I dislike those as much as anyone. My favorite part happens after the school day has ended. Now that speech has ended, I get 2 hours to be child-less. I head off to the Y for a great work-out (2 miles this Monday!) and off to Fareway for some groceries. Now, to some people, grocery shopping is just another mindless chore that must be done to keep a household running. But for me, it is a way for my need to plan to be fulfilled. I love to decide what we are having for a week and go to the store on a mission: knowing exactly what I'm there to buy. I get satisfaction from crossing off a menu item from my list, knowing that my plan worked.

But to back up in the story a little, I distinctly remember the feeling I had while running at the Y. I felt free without the kids and the thought crossed my mind that I might even look like a young, single woman. Now Chris, don't worry, I wasn't trying to pick up guys at the Y. But I think every married mom wonders if people can tell that they are married or that they are a mom. Well, at least, I do. I don't ever get sick of the look of surprise people give me when they hear that I have not only two kids, but a six year old. So as I was leaving the Y in my workout clothes and black Nike headband, I felt that I definitely didn't fit the "mom" look at that moment.

I guess I was wrong. I was somewhere between the pasta aisle and the detergent aisle when a man approached me. He seemed troubled and very out of place. He looks at me for a second before saying, "You look like a mom to me. Tell me, what band-aid sticks the best?"

Before I answered his question, I took a minute to think about this. What made me look like a mom at that moment? I've already describe to you what I was wearing, so I quickly ruled out my wardrobe. I checked my cart for pull-ups or fruit snacks that would have been dead giveaways for my mom status. The only thing that was out of place with the health foods and Chris's pop was Captain Crunch Crunch Berries, but let's face it, Chris and I eat those more than the girls do.

So, what gave away my "Momness"? What told that guy that "hey, that 24 year old looks motherly"? I'm still debating this question. I feel that I've struggled for the last six years with being the youngest mom at all the school meetings, being called Lexi's 'sister' while trick-or-treating, and always getting the "she's too young for those to be her kids" looks. But this experience definitely made up for some of those. Today, I was called mom by a total stranger...and it was strangely pleasant. I handed him a box of band-aids (Mom approved) and continued on my way.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

All-State Speech!

I do plan on making this blog mostly about my family and our experiences. But, just this once, I want to 'brag' about my students and their accomplishments. As most of you know, I am the competitive speech coach at ADM. Over the last few months, we been attending competitions landing us at all-state last Saturday.

For those non-speech people, all-state is like going to state in any sport--but it's suppose to be a festival, not a competition. But, of course, they offer a critic's choice award for the 1 group in each category that catches the judge's eye. That, in itself, turns the festival into a competition. ADM was competing against schools like WDM Valley and Spencer, who practically have teams larger than our school. The odds were not in our favor.

But, on Saturday, David overtook Goliath. Our small 8 person team took home the critic's choice award. Our script about school bullying moved not only myself, but the judge to tears. It was the strongest performance I have every seen from them and I'm still not quite sure what provoked the change. Was it the all-state atmosphere? Was it the article about gay teen suicide I had them read before performing? Was it enticing them with Hickory Park? Who knows. What I do know is that my students put their hearts into that piece and helped bring home the award.

As I'm still coming down off of cloud 9, I find myself replaying the moment they said "ADM-Adel" in Stephens Auditorium and running past heart-broken teams to claim my award. But right after being handed the award, it dawns on me: Can I ever top this moment? Will I be able to get my group here next year?

In the end, I've realized that it was great experience for my students and myself. I am a proud coach of these kids and the season we had.

After we won the award, one of my students approached me with this question: "Mrs. Seidl, compared to the birth of your children, where does this rank?"

Pretty damn close.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Brenna enters the Terrible 3s (early)!

This week, we have seen a huge transformation in 21/2 year old Brenna. Everyone who knows Brenna would say that she is the most easy going child. NOT ANYMORE! We were spoiled with a child that slept in her own bed every night and laughed instead of throwing tantrums. Now, as she struggles with her independence, it is safe to say that the rest of the family is struggling to deal with it. Chris especially-- he told me that he doesn't remember Lexi going through this stage and he's glad he doesn't.
"Too much Drama!" Chris exclaims this at least once a night. Please let this phase pass before golf season arrives or I may lose my husband for the summer.
If Bren gets told no, she cries and throws herself on the ground. If Bren gets told later, she cries until later arrives. If Bren gets told yes, she cries because she now wants something else. Bren, if you happen to read this someday, know that we are patiently (as patient as we can be) counting down the days until this phase passes!