I feel off the blogging wagon with the start of summer. Between summer classes, the pool, and just relaxing, updating my blog hasn't been at the top of my "to-do" list. After hearing from a high school friend that she reads my blog (yes! someone actually reads this!), I've decided to get back into it before school starts.
I am going to work backwards over summer, starting with the most recent event. I don't want to forget any details.
Lexi went to the YMCA camp this summer. After having a discussion with our neighbor, she showed me that the Y has 3 night "mini camps" for kids who are new to camping. While I was a little apprehensive about sending Lexi away for 3 nights, she was more than excited to go! So not wanting to hold her back, I signed her up right then and there. Then....I spent the next 4 months regretting the decision!
So maybe "regretting" is the wrong word....worrying is better. It's the typical Mom thing to do. I was worried about her sleepwalking. I was worried about if a storm came through. I was worried about her not liking the food at camp. How was she going to survive without me??
In reality, I learned how I was going to survive without her. I have never gone 3 days without talking to my children. Honestly, I don't think I've gone 1 day without talking to them. The entire 3 days were spent wondering what she was doing, if she was making friends, etc.
When Saturday morning finally arrived and I saw her walking down the hill with her "bunk," the smile on her face was indescribable. She had this new sense of independence. She was honestly..growing up before my eyes.
Luckily, the YMCA is really good about posting pictures of what is going on at camp on the internet. I think this is the only way I got through those 3 days. Here are two of Lexi:
Painting the leader! |
Little blurry, but big smiles in both!
Bunkmates! |
In short, she had a blast at camp. Her favorite part was canoeing, but told me all the details about swimming, rock climbing, horseback riding, etc. She cannot wait to go back next year...but for the whole week. :-) Good thing I have a whole year to prepare....