
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Start of a New Year! Happy 2013!

Another year has ended...looking back, 2012 was good to the Seidl family. We didn't have any "big" changes, but we have a lot of good memories of just being together. Here's to 2013 being just as gracious as 2012 was!

With another year starting, I always feel the need to create some "New Year Resolutions." I wish I could say that I ALWAYS follow through with them, but that would be a big, fat, lie. I know some people don't see the value in resolutions if you aren't going to follow them.

But I see them as a good thing: it gives you time to reflect on where you are and where you would like to be. Does it mean you are going to completely alter your life to follow them? No. What it means is that you would like to start moving in that direction. Will it happen  overnight? Nope. But MY goal is that at the end of the year, I can look at those resolutions and see some progress. So here are my 2013 goals:

1. Be healthy and active: I always make a goal of losing weight. I don't always make that goal and I end up feeling worse about myself while I finished off a tub of ice cream (just kidding!). This year, it is less about weight and more about healthy and active. I want to  continue to be able to chase my kids around my backyard and run that 5k. I do have a little more motivation than I have had in that past few years: my brother is getting married in October and I want nothing more than to be the 2nd hottest person there that day! (You're welcome, Jess!)

2. Read more: I do read a lot as it is, but I want to continue to increase that number. I love introducing new books to my students and the only way to do that is to continue reading. I also plan on reading to my kids as much as humanly possible. Lexi has developed a love for reading that reminds me of "little Jacque". It warms my heart to see her finish a book, pull it close to her chest, and ask for the next book in the series.

3. Less time for stress; more time for my passions: I admit: I am one who puts things off until the last minute and then I stress about things. I want to use time wisely this year to alleviate some of that stress and give me more time for things I really love to do: spend time with Chris and the girls, read, write, and take photographs.

4. Be a good friend: I have just realized in the last year or so that I struggle with this one. It's not that I don't want to be a good friend, but it's more that I find myself feeling like I don't have time to be one. That is going to change. I have forgot how quick a text, phone call, card, or email can really be. I have the most amazing friends and I need to make sure they feel the same about me.

Of course, there are more things that I would like to improve this year, but I don't want to overwhelm myself.  
baby steps, Jacque, baby steps. 

Good luck to you and all your New Year goals this year.

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