
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A Bittersweet Morning

Today started like most other mornings. Bren came into my room around 5:45 and asked for cartoons. I got ready while she entertained herself and patiently waited for "Sissy" to get up. Breakfast was next on the to-do list: Chocolate chip waffles for Lexi and Regular for Bren.

The day turned unusual when we had to get dressed. Lexi, for some reason, wanted to wear a dress. And, usually, whenever Lexi wears a dress, Bren must follow. The only thing was that Bren doesn't have any dresses that aren't completely "summery". I was just about to tell her that I didn't have a dress for her to wear, when I saw "The Tote."

To all you mothers out there, you know how important and exciting "The Tote" can be. When discussing this with another teacher, she told me she thinks of "The Tote" as shopping. It's a great chance to reminisce about your older daughter's old clothes while finding new outfits for your younger daughter. I begin digging through the tote looking for a dress with leggings that Bren could sport today.

The dress she chose was one that brought back many memories. When Brenna was born, one of my aunts got them matching dresses. I loved putting them in those dresses! Bren today was wearing the one that Lexi was fitting into when Bren was born. All these thoughts came flooding into my head: my baby is wearing the big sister clothing!

I had this bittersweet feeling hit me. My baby is no longer a baby? Do I miss little babies and all that comes with them? Now that we are out of the baby stage, do we really want to dive back in?

If you would have asked them this morning, I may have actually considered it. I may have "slipped" and said I wanted another baby.

But reality set it....there is no way I want to go back to diapers, formula, and having someone be 100% dependent on me. I love my kids and want to enjoy every minute with them as they continue to grow up right before my eyes!

Here are the pictures of Bren wearing Lexi's dress (I'll look for pictures of them together wearing the matching dresses to compare!)

Pretty Girl!

Notice her pretty Jewelry? Thanks Jessica Bellinghausen!
My two big girls!
Bren is always willing to share the love! (Lexi, not so much!)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

First Snow of the Year!

It was predicted that we would receive maybe an inch or two in Adel last night....and they were right! We woke up to a winter wonderland. Both girls were jumping up and down at the sight of the fluffy new snow. For me, the ONLY benefit to snow is if there is enough to get a snow day. In Iowa, 2-3 inches doesn't quite cut we were on our way to school.

As I watched their faces light up as they talked about the snow, I remembered what that first snow was like as a child. You want nothing more than to jump in a fort....throw a snowball.

Forecasters had also predicted that most of it would be gone before the afternoon. I felt awful telling Lexi that the chances of her getting to play in that first snow were slim. So we rushed through breakfast just to get about 10 minutes of play time in that first snow. I apologize now to Ms. Wolf and the other Adel Elementary teachers for sending Lexi soaking wet to school. But by looking at the smile on her face, it was all worth it!

Cutest Picture in a long time! Look at the love!

1st snow angels of the year!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My Daughter.... A Cheerleader?

For anyone who knew me in high school, my life revolved around sports. Competition and the desire to win has been burned into my veins; it's apparent when I play Rec Volleyball.

After the birth of Lexi, I remember thinking that I couldn't wait for her to play sports and for me to be the proud mama in the crowd. She's fast= track. She can jump= volleyball. Good hand/eye coordination= soccer.

I wasn't prepared for the day when Lexi brought home a flyer from school for a cheerleading camp and said she wanted to go. What? My daughter, a cheerleader? How did that happen?

After watching her practice her little cheers and her dance, I saw the same passion I had for sports show up on her face while cheering. I realized it doesn't matter what she does during her school years. I just want her to be involved and be happy. As long as she is that, I will be the proud mama in the crowd.

And there's always Cheerleading competitions, right? :-)

Here are a few pictures of her performing during halftime at a Tigers Football game:

Red. Black. Red. Black. Wh-wh-wh-wh-white!

She caught me! :-)n