
Friday, April 29, 2011

20 days left....But who's counting??

Every year, I have a love/hate relationship with May.

Things I love:
I love the weather--who doesn't want to be outside when it is nice and the sun is shinning? For the last few weeks, it has been pretty raining so the sun is a nice addition to the forecast. I love being able to play with my kids after school--when volleyball and speech are going on, I never have the time. But in the spring, I have NO after school activities and love walking out the door at 3:45.

I love running outside in May. It is so hard to find the motivation to run with its cold and windy. But in the spring, I love to run and have things to look at and keep me distracted from the run.

Things I Hate:
I hate how every drop of motivation and ability to concentrate has disappeared from my students. Giving students work time to write their speeches is pretty much a waste of time. Right now as we are SUPPOSE TO BE preparing to giving persuasive debates, my students are talking about anything besides their topics. I have tried to get them back on task multiple times, but have failed. Why have I failed? Because my motivation has disappeared a little, too. On a nice Friday afternoon, there are so many other things I would rather be doing than disciplining a bunch of 17 year olds. I know I will be disappointed with their debates on Monday, but right now, I'm thinking about the cold, refreshing drinks waiting for me after school. 3:45 can't come fast enough.

So May, even though I love you for so many reasons, I cannot stand being in school during you. Please Make May 27th get here fast!

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